Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Communicating with Parents

Hello Class!
We are going to have some fun this week and next because we are going to create Blogs to share with parents and others in our early childhood communities. Blogs are an excellent way to communicate and share great ideas and they are pretty easy to create using this Blogger site. If you've never done this before, don't panic. It is not too different from communicating on our Blackboard discussion boards - but it is a lot more fun!
The first part of this assignment is to read the chapters in our text books. They are full of good ideas that you need to know to successfully complete this assignment. The second part of the assignment is to write an article about some element of Nurturing Early Literacy that you learned this semester and want to share with the parents and family members of the children in your classroom. The article must be at least 500 words in length and contain at least three ideas or quotes from the textbooks, cited. Spell check and proofread your article prior to sharing it, just as you would do in a parent newsletter. I suggest looking through both of your textbooks for ideas and concepts that struck you as particularly important or interesting, and combining ideas from different chapters, which will make for more interesting articles. For example, parents would benefit from learning about why Building Phonological Awareness is so important to nurturing literacy, and how this can be incorporated into routines throughout the day, or how Social Studies can be incorporated into Dramatic Play. After reading this week's assignment, open both text books to the Contents pages to get some inspirational ideas about combining concepts from two chapters into one article.
After you have written and proof read the article, Go to Blogger.com and explore the site. I will post some more detailed directions about how build your Blog site and post articles a bit later in the week, but the best way to learn this is to go check it out yourself. This site offers a lot of cool templates to use and ways to personalize your Blog site. You can add pictures and use different font colors and styles - it is really fun to make it your own!
Our Blackboard discussion board will be used for asking questions and sharing ideas about how to create blogs this week. You will not post your article to the discussion board, but instead will post it to your newly-created Blog by midnight on Saturday, and post a live-link in the discussion board so we can all visit your blog and read your article. I'm giving you a little extra time for this assignment. After all, this is Thanksgiving week and you should be spending some time with your family! How appropriate that we are learning about Parent Involvement this week, which is all about family!
I hope you enjoy the reading and I look forward to your comments in the discussion board about this whole process!